Kristi had 3 doctors appointments today, including blood work, chest x-ray, and pulmonary (lung capacity) tests. There are are many more to go:
- Dental (done)
- OB/GYN (done)
- BMT labs (done, see image above)
- Chest X-ray (done)
- Pulmonary Function (done)
- ECHO (cardiogram)
- Bone Marrow Biopsy
- BMT Clinic educational appointment
- BMT Pharmacy appointment
- Dietary consult
- Social Worker appointment
- Finance consult
- Up-date H&P
- Admit Conference
- Start Bactrim
- Depopevera shot
- Dentist: Fill Cavities
- Central Line Placement
- Admit Day
As you can see this is a long list. However, we think it's the "One Month Out" list, especially since there is an Admit Day on it, though there is no actual date on that one.