Thursday, September 6, 2007

One Week Later

So far, Kristi's doing very well. She's eating, walking, and riding her bike. These are the main things the Docs want her doing now, that and taking HANDFULS of pills four times a day. Though she is out of the hospital, she is watched closely by her parents. For the next 70 or so days (since we are getting close to day 30 already) she's got very restricted exposure rules. She can go out of the house with a mask, but she definitely can't go to any movie theaters or things like that, this includes work/school for now.

At her first checkup on Tuesday, she had a Hematocrit of 34, which is the highest it has been since she found out in April! That's a natural 34 of course, she made it herself. It's still low, but considering how quickly it came up to this level, I am sure it will be normal very soon. So far there aren't any signs of Graft versus Host, GVHD, which is the main concern for the +100 days post transplant. She does have some elevated liver function, which could be an early sign. They are watching this closely. Kristi will be watching for any sudden rashes, which are the most common early symptoms of GVHD.

So far, Kristi is a BMT super star, that's what the docs keep saying anyway.


mbratkova said...

Wow! Congratulations! I am so glad you are doing so well. Incredibly fast recovery! Keep it going :) superwoman!

Joel Daniels said...

kp rocks. keep pluggin' girl! miss having you around, but don't go rushing anything. can we call you lance yet?