Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day 100 Workup

Today I spent most of the day at the BMT clinic getting the first bit of the 100 day workup. It included quite a few vials of blood (no worries, I still have my line in, so no pain from that), a pulminary function test (PFT) where I blew into a tube measuring my lung capacity and dispersion, and finally a bone marrow aspiration where they drew out some bone marrow. They typically take a bone core biospy, but for some reason they didn't need one, so that made it much easier. They are really good at the clinic and provide plenty of pain medication, so I didn't feel a whole lot. I also did well on the pulminary function test, scoring just about the same as I did before the transplant, though my reaction times were a bit slowed, since they did the bone marrow before the PFT, so I was a little spacey from the morphine. I also came home and slept for like 4 hours, and don't expect to be able to stay up very much longer! But I think this is the only day that would be painful, my other appointments are the eye doctor, dermatologist, and OB. I'll find out the results of all these test the Thursday after thanksgiving. Keep your fingers crossed that everything comes out ok, and that I can start tapering off my drugs!


Jenavive said...

I'm happy to hear things are moving forward. We wish you all the best!

--Kim & Xavier

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