Thursday, November 1, 2007

Last Day of Vis

Well, it's been really great. My talk went really well, and I got some great feedback. While I missed a lot of talks, opting instead to hang out in my room and stay away from sick people, I have really gotten alot out of the conference. I'd like to say Hi to all my new friends who have been following the blog, but I've never met before, and say thanks to everyone following my health! I feel fantastic and am really motivated to get some work done towards gettin' graduated!


Unknown said...

Way to go, Kristi!!! I'm very happy for you. Thank you for all the updates. We think of you both constantly and hope to see you soon! Keep on keep'n on, kiddo...we love you!

Unknown said...

So great Kristi!

Ditto on the thanks for the updates. It must feel great to be finally be where you wanted to be.


BettyJo said...

That is great, Kristi! :) I'm so glad you were able to go to Vis and enjoy your time there! :)

Missing you,


Unknown said...

Kristi, I have to talk to you. I just lost my mother to AML. She was too old for a bone marrow transplant. If, my any miracle, I was a match for you, it might set the karma wheel of life straight again. It's worth a try, right?

O+ Blood Type
We appear to be the same race.

I am older than you but within the donor window. I do not smoke, drink, or us recreational drugs.

Please help me make some sense out of my mother's death by possibly bringing life.

kp said...

Stephani- I'm very sorry for your loss. I've actually already gone through transplant using stem cells from an anonymous donor from the National Bone Marrow registry. It was a great match. You could contact them and try to get on the registry to help someone else. You could also donate blood as much as possible, transplant requires a substantial number of blood transfusions. Also, there are many groups that work to support patients and family going through this, I'm sure they have volunteer positions, if you'd be interested in that. If you have other questions, please let me know.

Unknown said...

I am so happy you have received your transplant. You are young and strong, so I know you have every chance for success.

"Donate blood" is my mantra, as my mother needed a transfusion of four units, every three days. (And she did not even have a line, as a line was too big a danger of infection in her fragile condition.)

You are going to do fantastic. I will be holding strong, positive thoughts for you.