Saturday, April 7, 2007


Sleeping was a little rough last night. Kristi's still having issues with the central line. She's getting regular doses of Lortab and ice packs. She also has a cough. The doctors won't give her anything for it, they want to see where it goes. The cough creeps up when she's lying on her back. You'll see her sitting straight up in bed, that's why. They gave her oxygen last night to help with her breathing too. The evening started so well, but just as she's on the verge of getting comfortable... all this. She hates being bloated and is slowly loosing her appetite. We do laps, either inside or out, to work it up. Saturday morning home improvement shows are a nice reminder that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

So, the doctor thinks she's just water logged. He checked her breathing, and believes it's ok. They have dropped her drip rate by half. The hope is that she'll pee some out. She's another 2lbs heavier today. That's a total of 12 now, aproximately 6 Kilos. That's a LOT of fluids. We did our laps on the Terrace and she's ready for some rice crispies.


Pavel Koshevoy said...

Good morning guys. Cheer up, you'll be doing plenty of your own home improvement yet.

miriah said...
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miriah said...

joe, you are a blogging rock star!!!! thanks for doing us all a huge favor. you know how i need the play by play account. i'd be calling twice as much as i already do if it weren't for you ;-)

k - i'm working on some bostonian-stories for you. although, it would probably make for better tales if i actually left my hotel room. see, here i go. walking out the door....

later taters!!!!

Gordon said...

hi there-

yea Joe, thanks for doing this blog; its great to read and keep up with what going on, for those of us far away.

hi Kristi! I heard from Miriah that you might be getting a nicer room with a sweet view. That's awesome. Do you get to personalize the octopus at all? Or has joe already etched some silver flame motif on it :-) ?

cheesefancier said...

Hi Kristi,

Liz just clued me in yesterday to the goings on. Everyone says you are being super tough and positive. I'm so glad you have such great friends and advocates looking out for you! I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you, too, and wishing you a speedy recovery.

I hope today is a good one,


p.s. Head shaving... no problem.