Wednesday, April 11, 2007


There is something nice about waking up to strawberry waffles and cartoons. She is feeling much better this morning. She's low on platelets and red blood again, so a transfusion is on the way. We are both excited that it's warmer today. She can't wait to spend some time outside, after two days stuck inside.


BettyJo said...


I'm so glad that you are able to be there with Kristi and that you are taking such good care of her. I also, REALLY, appreciate this blog. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Kristi and what she must be going through over this past week and hearing your thoughts and your humor- makes me feel so much happier and sure that K is being treated well! Thank you for being so good to her. She is really one of the coolest people I've ever met and she deserves the best care and I am sure this stupid Leukemia is going to be sorry it messed with the wrong person soon enough! I think the CD is a great idea and I love the photos of the toys that you have posted! :)

Please know that I'm thinking of you guys!!


Steph Felts said...

Tyson and I are past our 56 day waiting period and are eligible to donate blood again. We will be thinking of Kristi on Saturday when we are donating more of the red stuff. Maybe some of our blood might make it to her :)
For anyone else that reads the blog and is eligible, they sure do need blood right now. You can schedule an appointment with the Red Cross easily at 1-800-GIVELIFE.

Pavel Koshevoy said...

Hi Guys, I found something on youtube that I think you'll like. It's a tribute to Venture Bros and Home Movies :)

Also, I have all seasons of Invader Zim, and you obviously like Gir, so if you'd like I can pass them along to you. Home Movies too. Or if you'd like to see something sweet and crazy -- I can get you FLCL.


Kniss said...

yea! Waffles!!!