The doctor said that Kristi can't have any fresh flowers. So sad, they really do liven up the room. But, they can contain spores that she can't fight off. Fake flowers are great though. The upper left bunch are from "the girls" we call it "Absolute Daffodils". The top right are from my Aunt Dianne, thanks Porkey! Bottom left are courtesy of the UNM Computer Science Department, my new home. And to the bottom right, a gift from my mom. Thanks everyone, we'll take them home.
(Kristi suggests cookie bouquets as an example alternative ;)
KPot- Liz has kept me in the loop and I hope nothing but the best for you! Can't wait for a celebratory dinner at the Blue Iguana when you're back to your young self.
Hope to see you soon!
Holy crap Kristi. Kelly and I just found out about this whole thing. We'll be thinking about you every day and please, please, please let us know if we can do anything - for you, Joe, your cat, anything.
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